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About us

With offices based in Naracoorte and Mount Gambier, Limestone Coast Training prides itself on delivering relevant and industry specific training through a variety of teaching methods including face-to-face, classroom lessons and workplace visits. Upon successful completion, students are presented with a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment.


Based in Naracoorte in the Limestone Coast of South Australia, Limestone Coast Work Options was established in 1994 as a Disability Employment Service and added to this the Job Centre in 2006.

Work Options identified a gap in the market for localised based training and established Limestone Coast Training, a Registered Training Organisation, in 2010 to provide students, employers and their staff the opportunity to gain access to quality, nationally accredited training.

Local Businesses we work with

Limestone Coast Training work closely with local businesses to help support student learning and to suit both business and industry requirements.